less than 1 minute read

Despite it is vacation time and quite too hot to stay at home coding, this deterred nobody in releasing a new Remmina version.

It is not that big, as we were busy moving from the proprietary GitHub to the libre softweare GitLab, following the formers purchase by Microsoft. Nevertheless, we where able to introduce a kiosk mode, adding custom SSH terminal colors per profile, and many bugfixes.

The details:

  • Custom color schemes per profile for the SSH plugin (@denk_mal).
  • Flatpak updates and fixes (@larchunix)
  • Kiosk mode with integration in the login manager (@antenore).
  • New icons (@antenore and @larchunix).
  • SFTP tool password fixes (@Feishi).
  • Several fixes around RDP and compilations issues (@giox069 and @larchunix).

The continuos integration is up and running, which partly generates the Remmina packages you use.

As usual, to install and/or upgrade, follow our wiki and don’t hesitate to report bugs or make feature requests.