less than 1 minute read

Hello Remminers. Toiling away to give you a solid and secure environment, brings a new release of Remmina, with bugfixes and improvements aplenty.

  • Allow Wayland backend again when GTK >= 3.22.27 (so annoying!)
  • Distinct RPD gateway authentication and other enhancements.
  • Added option to honour https_proxy and http_proxy environment variable.
  • Custom screenshot filenames.
  • Keyboard grabbing improvements.
  • UI enhancements.
  • Many bugfixes as usual.

A complete changelog can be found on GitLab.

In the next months we are going to “mess up” things as we are working on new features and a huge refactoring, so this release should be considered a Long Term Support, so don’t be surprised if you won’t have news from us for some weeks or even months. As usual, feel free to open issues or contact us for any kind of problems. Oh, and if you like it, consider supporting.

Image: “Gett’n Out Of Dodge (County)” by Rick

To install and/or upgrade, follow our wiki.